The taxi screeched to a halt in front of my house. I paid the driver and stepped out, a sense of unease settling over me. The house looked different, somehow. More… lifeless.
As I unlocked the door, a wave of silence hit me. An eerie silence that screamed of emptiness. My heart pounded in my chest. Where was everyone?
I called out, "Hello? Is anyone home?"
Only the echo of my own voice answered.
Panic swelled within me. I rushed through the house, each room a silent testament to the absence of life. Where were Mum, Dad, and my sister, Ada?
I checked their rooms, but find no one in sight.
A chilling thought crept into my mind. What if something had happened to them? What if…
I grabbed my phone, my fingers trembling as I dialed Mum's number. It went straight to voicemail. I tried Dad's, then Ada's. All unanswered.
I thought if my brother, but he'd gone to work. We both stepped out this morning before the tussle on phone.
Terror threatened to consume me. I sank to the floor, my mind racing with terrifying possibilities. Had someone hurt them? Were they in danger?
Suddenly, I noticed a single sheet of paper lying on the coffee table. It was a note, the handwriting resembles my mother's.
My heart pounded as I unfolded it. The message was short, chillingly simple:
*Gone to the lake. Be back soon.*
The lake. That secluded lake, hours away from the city, where they often went for weekend getaways.
But something about the note felt… wrong. The handwriting seemed stilted, unfamiliar. And the message itself lacked the warmth and affection that usually characterized my mother's notes.
A shiver ran down my spine. Something was definitely wrong. I had to get to the lake.
I dropped the snacks in my hands and rushed out of the house, hoping to catch an available motorcycle. My mind reeling with fear and a growing sense of dread.
The drive to the lake was a blur of adrenaline and fear. My mind raced with every possible scenario. Had they been attacked? Was someone holding them hostage? Or was something even more sinister at play?
The last rays of the setting sun cast long, eerie shadows across the winding road. Each creak of the motorcycle, each rustle of leaves in the deepening twilight, sent shivers down my spine.
Finally, I reached the lake.
To be continued...